Co-owner of JustPadel, Bram Rutten, is a guest on the Bandeja Boys Podcast!

Mede-eigenaar van JustPadel, Bram Rutten, is te gast bij de Bandeja Boys Podcast!

Bram Rutten |

Our co-owner Bram Rutten is a guest on the Bandejaboys Podcast: Discover the story behind Justpadel

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Our co-owner Bram Rutten is a guest on the Bandejaboys podcast in the episode of Wednesday, June 5. The Bandejaboys podcast is a platform where everything related to padel is discussed, and we as are the proud main sponsor. The hosts Eddie and Di Menno discuss all the ins and outs of padel sport every week and always receive a guest. This week it is our co-owner Bram Rutten.

During this podcast, the history of Justpadel will be discussed in detail, in which Bram explains how Justpadel distinguishes itself from the many competitors. In addition, Bram will give his vision on various statements and discuss the growth of padel sport. Would you like to know what Bram's favorite strokes are and hear his opinion about Premier Padel? That is also discussed!

Bram's enthusiasm for entrepreneurship will be clearly heard in the podcast, just like the enthusiasm with which we as Justpadel always want to offer you, our customers, the best customer experience.

The collaboration with the Bandejaboys podcast arose from our appreciation for the podcast and our love for the sport. Their listeners are true padel enthusiasts who, like us, are always looking for ways to improve their game and enjoy the sport more.

Would you like to learn more about the rise of JustPadel and the vision of Bram Rutten? Then don't miss the podcast! The episode can be listened to on Spotify from June 5. Bram takes you on an inspiring journey through the history of Justpadel and reveals the secrets behind their success.