The story behind our Siux Topper Youp de Kroon.

Het verhaal achter onze Siux Topper Youp de Kroon.

Tom Bastiaansen |

Padel talent will graduate at JustPadel!

My name is Youp de Kroon, 19 years old, and I am currently busy with my padel career in the Netherlands. I am currently in ninth place in the current padel rankings and this year I also want to grow internationally. I am honored to announce that I will spend my graduation internship at JustPadel in combination with m his padel career. I am really looking forward to the coming months in which we will continue this wonderful adventure together. The long-term collaboration with JustPadel, which has existed since the beginning, makes all this even more special now that I can do my graduation internship here. In the coming months I will mainly focus on online marketing within the company, which fits perfectly with my passion.

This is a perfect match for me, as I am an enthusiastic padel player myself and currently rank ninth in the national rankings. But how did I reach this position? Read more about my padel journey below.

Tips from Youp!

At JustPadel we strive for an enriching experience for all our players. That is why we invite you to make use of Youp's extensive experience and knowledge. Do you have questions about specific strokes or situations during matches that you are unsure about? Please send your questions to and receive personal advice tailored to Youp's expertise.

Also stay informed of our latest developments and adventures via our social media channels. Regular updates will appear there about our players and their padel journeys. Together with Youp and the entire JustPadel team, we look forward to a sporty and educational padel season!

Youp's adventure

What started as an impulsive decision to play padel at UTPV once a month quickly transformed into a remarkable adventure that has enriched my life both personally and professionally. This turn came about after I was approached by Bram Rutten, who at the time was working on increasing JustPadel's brand awareness by recruiting young talent.

I vividly remember the moment when I proudly told family and friends that I was getting a 60% discount on my padel rackets. What started as a fun hobby quickly took a serious turn when my results on the Dutch padel rankings became more and more impressive. This put me in the top 20 in the Netherlands, which meant that I received free padel equipment from Siux from JustPadel. Once again I proudly shared this news with my loved ones, and right now I'm playing with the Siux St2 Hybrid . This racket is perfect for me as a person, and I think this also applies to many other padel players, because the Siux St2 Hybrid is an ideal combination of control and power!

Over the past three years I have maintained a close bond with Bram, where we got along excellently both professionally and personally. Over the past year my padel career has gained momentum, partly thanks to good results with my partner Julian Prins, including second place at the Dutch championships and several P500 finals. The special thing is that Julian is not only my partner on the track, but also a good friend, which makes these adventures even more valuable.

How do I look to the future?

In 2023 we have already traveled abroad three times to train there, and for the year 2024 we intend to do this even more frequently. What makes it extra special is that I was able to grow together with JustPadel. Since the very beginning they have believed in me, which has supported my success and growth as a padel player, and I am very grateful to them for that!